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How can Kaladyne Solutions help?

Do any of these situations sound familiar?

War stories: Everything below actually happened and is something we could do for your business as well.  The details have been removed, tweaked, or forgotten for communication purposes, but all of this and more is on offer to meet your specific needs.

If your family business just got smaller...

Analyze, Prioritize, Reorganize: A recently separated business owner reached out needing help getting her business back under her control, as her soon-to-be-ex was the one who set everything up.  We were able to make certain her name was on all the resources, she was aware of the technology being used, and she was in full control of the technology direction going forward.

If running servers onsite isn't working...

Time to Go Cloud: We analyzed what resources were and were not important to the business and developed a plan to migrate most services to Google and to spin-down others.  Everything was implemented without any significant impact to the underlying business.

If your bill is more than they said it would be...

Time to Trim Fat: We leveraged analytics to understand what Azure Cloud resources were being well used and what was simply burning money.  Your cloud provider is happy to collect it, whether it provides benefit to your business or not.

If that server your brother built won't stay up...

Time for an Upgrade: The server was running an obscure OS, leveraging some interesting, hobby-level techniques, and was crashing about every other day.  Typically when it was being used by the most people.  We got it stable and migrated services off to more modern, more commonly-supported technologies.

If the government changed standards, again...

Care and Feeding: A non-profit used a customized report to participate in a government program, but the reporting standards changed and payments stopped.  The original consultants who wrote the reports were long gone, so things needed to be rebuilt.  After just a little bit of skilled effort, the reports were flowing and payments resumed.

If no two computers you have are alike...

Standardized Deployment: Even though this business had a collection of different brands of computers, the software on them that end-users actually needed was easily organized and redeployed.  This meant that no matter which terminal they were using, the experience was consistent and stayed that way.

If your server is suddenly SUPER slow...

Prioritizing Workloads: After a customer's significant investment through a previous provider, things went well for a short while.  But once they got beyond proof-of-concept and actually went into full production, nothing worked.  They were overprovisioned, and until those resources were actually called upon, the problem wouldn't appear.  We right-sized all their workloads and they were just as productive as at the start without additional cost.

If somebody's entire job is reading emails...

Parsing to Freedom: Systems can download email content, sort them, and trigger other actions in response.  This is particularly well suited to machine-generated messages.  That person's work shifted to making the business succeed in a true win-win scenario.

If you need a Disaster Recovery plan, fast...

Plan, Prepare, Practice: A new business arrangement required sharing a detailed disaster recovery plan that the customer simply did not have.  We devised one that covered all the basics, including a practice schedule, and were able to keep that deal moving forward.

If you don't even know what you have...

Diligence is Key: Several customers have received reports of all the equipment, licensing, and technology utilization in their organization.  These things can tend to get out of hand quickly, either because you tasked your production staff with this work or the person doing it previously simply did not keep good documentation.  We can discover and record it all after the fact, giving you a firm foundation for making technology decisions.

If somebody just messed up...

Manage the Incident: A laptop was casually discovered to have material on it that wasn't work-related, and that's an understatement.  The employee was well-loved, highly productive, and was not necessarily in violation of unclear policies.  We analyzed the behavior of concern, confidentially relayed the risk to Human Resources, and they were able to deal with the situation in private, without bias.

If you have mountains of documents...

Hire Cyberwork: Valuable information was buried somewhere in two-dozen files that no one had the time or inclination to read.  These were fed to a PrivateGPT LLM (large language model) that could answer questions about the content, and even direct you to the page numbers for verification.  This goes beyond simple search with the ability to extrapolate.

If you need something else...

Bring it On: This list barely scratches the surface, and we'll be happy to add your unique situation to our retinue of tales to tell.  We love this stuff and are happy to help.

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